Showing 33–38 of 38 results

Fractionated Coconut Oil (MCT)


Fractionated Coconut Oil is an esterification of coconut oil fatty acids and glycerin. Fractionated Coconut Oil has the same feel and performance of traditional vegetable and carrier oils with a lighter feel

Jojoba Oil


Jojoba oil is a unique oil known for its long chain monosaturated wax esters. Used widely in the personal care and cosmetic industries, golden jojoba oil is a filtered oil with a clear honey color and bland characteristic odor.

Sunflower Oil


High Oleic Organic Sunflower Oil, a natural oil extracted from sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seeds.



Vegetable Glycerin, or Glycerol, is USP grade. It is a clear, odorless liquid exclusively produced from the hydrolysis of vegetable oils. Vegetable Glycerin has a number of valuable applications that include cosmetic products, foods, and herbal tinctures. Vegetable Glycerin is considered Vegan, Lactose Free, Gluten Free, Glutamate Free, and BSE Free, does not contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated Oils, or Preservatives. This product is not produced through a biodiesel process.